The 3rd Edition of BKF is available now!
The highly acclaimed personal finance book Brass Knuckle Finance, written by Jarim Person-Lynn, consists of the following 7 course program that promises to not only change the way you view money but change the way you view yourself.
Lessons you'll learn in the book:
Course 1 - The Poverty Mentality
Course 2 - Getting out of Debt
Course 3 - The True Art of Budgeting
Course 4 - Home-loanership
Course 5 - It's just a damn car
Course 6 - Your Food Spending
Course 7: Taxes & Side Hustles
This is where you want to start on your journey.
-BKF Budgeting Software & Debt Snowball Calculator.
-Entrance into The Winner's Circle online classes.
-The 3rd edition has been updated with new info on credit scores, how to buy a house, tax deductions and more!
****Please note: you will receive an email containing the link to download the ebook. This email will be sent directly to the email address you use at checkout. This link will last for 30 days.
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