Beat debt.
Master your money.
Reclaim your LIFE.
Here are the tools & resources that will help you fight back.
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The highly acclaimed personal finance book Brass Knuckle Finance, written by Jarim Person-Lynn, consists of the following 7 course program that promises to not only change the way you view money but change the way you view yourself. (FYI-Do not read any other book below before this one.)
Course 1 - The Poverty Mentality
Course 2 - Getting out of Debt
Course 3 - The True Art of Budgeting
Course 4 - Home-loanership
Course 5 - It's just a damn car
Course 6 - Your Food Spending
Course 7 - Taxes & Side Hustles

$7 ebook
$20 Paperback

Or click on the book image to learn more.
Take BKF Classes
Click on any image to learn more.

Sign up for 1 on 1 coaching with Jarim himself!
Click on any image to learn more.

Read the new book "The 30 Second Credit Fix"
$7 eBook
$20 Paperback

Click on the image to learn more.
Read this book to learn how to invest!
$7 eBook
$20 Paperback
And once you've read the book, join our investment group on Instagram! (requires a $50 annual subscription)
Click on the image to learn more.

Learn how to avoid getting hustled when buying or leasing cars!
Learn how to avoid getting hustled when buying or leasing cars!
$7 eBook
$20 Paperback
Click on the image to learn more.

Learn how to start your own business!
$8 eBook
$22 Paperback + workbook
Click on the image to learn more.

Learn how to take over the world as a team!
$7 eBook
$20 Paperback
Click on the image to learn more.

Give this book to a friend you want to see do better!
Click on the image to learn more.
$7 eBook
$16 paperback

Learn how to side hustle like a pro!
$7 eBook
$20 Paperback
Click on any image to learn more.

Give this book to your teen who is about to enter college!
$7 eBook
$20 Paperback

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