The 3rd Edition of BKF is available now!
The highly acclaimed personal finance book Brass Knuckle Finance, written by Jarim Person-Lynn, consists of the following 7 course program that promises to not only change the way you view money but change the way you view yourself.
Lessons you'll learn in the book:
Course 1 - The Poverty Mentality
Course 2 - Getting out of Debt
Course 3 - The True Art of Budgeting
Course 4 - Home-loanership
Course 5 - It's just a damn car
Course 6 - Your Food Spending
Course 7: Taxes & Side Hustles
This is where you want to start on your journey.
-BKF Budgeting Software & Debt Snowball Calculator.
-Entrance into The Winner's Circle online classes.
-The 3rd edition has been updated with new info on credit scores, how to buy a house, tax deductions and more!
Shipping: Will ship standard mail through USPS. Please allow 7-10 business days for arrival!
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