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We are a private Instagram page full of...


fiscally conscious,

consumer debt free, or

almost consumer debt free



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Be a BKF book owner. 

If you haven't done so, you can purchase your ebook or paperback here. (any book you see available allows you to be eligible - ebook or paperback)

Be either:

(A) 100% Debt Free

(B) Consumer debt free (mortgage/student loans are ok)


(C) Almost consumer debt free (you can still have a car loan or lease, student loans and/or mortgage)


If you feel you qualify based on the above , you can move on to filling out/ submit your BKF Singles membership application here.


Note: there are 2 ways to apply - "verified" or "unverified" (ie stated).



The BKF singles group is all about creating a community of financially likeminded singles who are ready to build relationships while also building wealth.


As a BKF singles member who is verified - you can let the community know that you are verified as either consumer debt free or 100% debt free. For verification, we require you submit a recent copy of your credit report (no older than 60 days old).

Your verification status will appear on every profile we share of you to our members as well as our private instagram member spotlight posts.

Those who are verified appear more financially disciplined, financially stable and subsequently get more interest from the community as well.



We also allow members to state their debt free status as well. Your profile will be shown with a "Unverified" badge everywhere applicable until a proper verification request has been submitted.

Important: for both types, the only financial information other members will see is your debt profile (consumer debt free, almost consumer debt free or 100% debt free). All other financial information will be for internal use in match making you based on an overall score we develop. 


Get started on your app here!



Note: Your privacy is of utmost importance.  All information is kept confidentially and secured. As well, the only person who has access to review credit/financial information is Jarim Person-Lynn himself - founder of BKF University. No other staff is able to access these documents in any way.


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